Peter Hollins

Mental Models

  • DASHAmembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
    “To the man with only a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”
  • Blagoje Mirosavljevicmembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
    The mistake is thinking of “important” and “urgent” as synonymous and not realizing the huge gulf of difference between the two terms and how you should prioritize them. The ability to distinguish the two is a key step in lowering your anxiety, stopping procrastination, and making sure that you are acting in an optimized way.
  • Teismembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    Visualize all the dominoes, otherwise known as second-order thinking.
    This is simply trying to project into the future and extrapolate a range of consequences that you can use to conduct a cost-benefit analysis for your decisions or solutions
  • Teismembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    Just because something appears to demand a quick response doesn’t mean you should give it, and just because something is slowly ticking in the background doesn’t mean you should ignore it
  • Teismembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    Urgent task: These simply demand immediacy and speed, and usually come from other people.
  • mariareadsmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    Hanlon’s Razor forces you to take your offended ego out of a situation and analyze it with everyone’s best intentions in mind.
  • mariareadsmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    Empathy is a mental model in itself.
  • mariareadsmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    Relying on humans is not a smart move because humans are, by and large, careless idiots—myself absolutely included.
  • mariareadsmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    Etorre’s Observation: The other line always moves faster
  • mariareadsmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
    We’re a lazy species that doesn’t want to do anymore than what is necessary at the present moment.
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