Talk to yourself positively. Control your inner dialogue. Fully 95 percent of your emotions are determined by the way you talk to yourself as you go through your day. Positive, happy people talk to themselves in a positive and constructive way.
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Remember that the person you see on the inside is the person you will eventually be on the outside
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Associate with positive people most of the time. Your choice of the people that you associate with at work, after work, and during evenings and weekends will have an enormous impact on your impact, your personality, and your level of achievement
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
The main reason that people don’t get into the top 10 percent in selling is because they never make a decision to do it
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Each time you go in to see a customer, click it on, and when you come out, click it off. The stopwatch will accumulate the number of minutes that you spend with customers each day. Write that number down so that you are clear about it
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
When you increase the number of minutes you are spending face-to-face with customers, by the law of averages, you will increase your sales and income by that percentage
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Every investment in self-improvement, whether it be in books, audiotapes, videos,
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Therefore, spend 80 percent of your time prospecting and presenting. Spend only 20 percent of your time following up and closing
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Divide your customers and prospects by value, with the A-list being high-value prospects/customers who can represent 80 percent of your sales. B-list customers are medium-value customers and prospects, and the C-list would be low-value customers and prospects.
Nikolay Khokhlovmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
The most important element of outstanding customer service is always speed. Speedy response to questions, concerns, and inquiries is a key measure of how many referrals you are likely to get. Fast action on complaints is vital. Regular follow-up and continuous customer care are essential tools for getting referrals