Outliers cans strew overall statistics. Say for example that everyone got around 90% on a math test, but one person flunked the test and got a 0, the class average is going to be less than 90% even though everyone got around 90%.
By adding more to the X-axis, you compress the graph, making the statistic seem more impactful and drastic.
The truth is the legacy media are almost never telling us the truth about the world. Most of the things you see on the news is meant to blind you, a psyop. Not only are they misinforming us, they’re also manipulating graphs to guide us into making certain decisions. I’d say watch news but be perspicacious enough to analyze what u hear and see. In a way, social media may be a better news outlet than legacy media. But I’m sure all these media outlets are controlled by a shadow figure in Switzerland. Even twitter but I think twitter is better because it’s almost unregulated.