You couldn’t replace me if you tried,” Nick boasted. “I’m impossible to replace. Like a girl’s virginity.”
“But not a boy’s virginity?” I asked.
“Oh, shut up,”
oneplusthreemembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
It was the pressure of being told two things: 1. That I only had a short amount of time, and 2. That I had to get everything right.
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
There’s a difference between missing someone and mourning them. And I hold out hope that one day I will no longer mourn Sadie, that I will simply remember her, and smile sadly, and then I’ll keep going.
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
against you, or how heavy your burden, or how tragic your love story. You keep going. It took a lot of things to make me realize that. To make me see the path, as opposed to the destination.
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Because that’s all you can do in this world, no matter how strong the current beats
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
to know that pain can’t be taken away. It has to leave on its own. And I wasn’t sure mine was the type of pain that wanted to go away.
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Being temporary doesn’t make something matter any less, because the point isn’t for how long, the point is that it happened.
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
go up at any moment, trapping you on the other side, keeping you from what you want. How the things that hurt the most are things we once had.
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
We all reach for whatever we think is going to dull the pain, and sometimes we don’t even want whatever it is, we just want to not be miserable, you know?
Nicole Deppemembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
It’s strange how we can lose things that are still right there. How a barrier can