It’s amazing, really, the invisible process that can turn complete strangers into friends
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He smiled. ‘Why would I believe someone who spends his entire life making stuff up?’
📕🖋⚜🐍membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
He smiled. ‘Why would I believe someone who spends his entire life making stuff up?’
📕🖋⚜🐍membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
Don’t worry about Jordan Williams, mate. I’m on your side.’
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Name Time In Time Out Ewan Lloyd 10.20 pm 12.45 am Tirian Kirke 10.20 12.25 Jordan Williams 10.30 pm 00.50 am Sky Palmer 10.45 12.35 Anthony Horowitz 10.50 pm 12.40 am Ahmet Yurdakul 11.25 12.55 Maureen Bates 23.25 00.55 am
📕🖋⚜🐍membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
We walked down the corridor, passing a half-open door that gave me a glimpse of an untidy room with an unmade bed, clothes everywhere, a Lord of the Rings poster on the wall
Tatiana Teterevlevamembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
The taste was simple, on the edge of chintzy: floral wallpaper, lots of brightly coloured vases and original theatre posters hanging in frames.
Tatiana Teterevlevamembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
But there isn’t a writer in the world who hasn’t felt that sense of anger, shame, resentfulness and sheer misery that comes when a critic lets loose. It’s just that some of us hide it better than others
Tatiana Teterevlevamembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
I was surprised that, unlike most actors, she wasn’t superstitious about naming what most of them would call ‘the Scottish play’.
Tatiana Teterevlevamembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
Authors don’t write their books for other people. We write for ourselves