a testament to the importance of journalism and how facts can drive social change … Above all, it reminds us to pay attention to the stories of the women who spoke up, and how they pushed for a fairer, freer society for future generations’ Stylist
Marisol Ruizmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
The perpetrators, meanwhile, frequently sailed to ever-higher levels of success and praise. Harassers were often accepted, or even cheered, as mischievous bad boys.
Jailin Camposmembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
Jodi cut to the point: The United States had a system for muting sexual harassment claims, which often enabled the harassers instead of stopping them.
Jailin Camposmembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
She wanted women to follow the example of the bonobos, becoming less separate and secretive, joining together to chase away overly aggressive men.
Jailin Camposmembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
She needed an exit strategy, a way of getting away from Weinstein. “I’ll make you a deal, Harvey,” she recalled saying. “When I win an Academy Award in a Miramax movie, I’ll give you a blow job,” she said, before exiting.
Maria José Sandovalmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
I knew in my heart you were a typical bully, acting out of your own insecurities on those that were weaker than you
Maria José Sandovalmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
“Adverse sources” sounded a lot like another word: adversaries. With the help of a large team, Weinstein was waging war
Мариmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
In contrast, she introduced students to research on the egalitarian behavior of bonobo apes, who over the course of evolution have eliminated male sexual coercion in their communities. If a male does get aggressive toward a female bonobo, she lets out a special cry, Rosenfeld explained. The other females come to her aid, descending from the trees and fending off the attacker.
Мариmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
In contrast, she introduced students to research on the egalitarian behavior of bonobo apes, who over the course of evolution have eliminated male sexual coercion in their communities. If a male does get aggressive toward a female bonobo, she lets out a special cry, Rosenfeld explained. The other females come to her aid, descending from the trees and fending off the attacker.
Marisol Ruizmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
Not surprisingly, Connie Leyva backed away from sponsoring the bill. With Allred’s threat, an effort to reform the system and protect victims’ voices died before it was ever introduced.