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Marc Heleven,Ramon Vullings

Not Invented Here

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cross-industry innovation
What can a hospital learn from a hotel?
How can a car manufacturer use tools from the games industry?
Where can a chemical company apply principles from a festival organiser?

Cross-industry innovation is a clever way to jump-start your innovation efforts by drawing analogies and transferring approaches between contexts, beyond the borders of your own industry, sector, area or domain.
Not invented here refers to the phenomenon of people blocking out ideas from the outside, it also indicates that there are beautiful alternatives everywhere just waiting to be introduced to your context. The potential of ideas and approaches from other areas is tremendous, still only very few organisations apply cross-industry innovation strategies in any kind of structured way.
Not invented here provides you with cross-industry innovation strategies and tools to increase your 'match sensitivity’ (the ability to make more effective connections) and see the opportunities available.
This inspirational, illustrated business book presents strategies & tools for cross-industry innovation. It emerged from hundreds of conversations with business leaders and innovators and is packed with ideas, approaches, and cases that you can apply in your own industry.
The chapters of the book’ Not invented here':
1. Cross-industry innovation
2. The art of questioning
3. Someone else has solved your problem
4. Inspiring industries & smart sectors
5. WWxD? What Would x Do?
6. Your business challenges
7. The power of the unexpected
8. Remix your industry
9. Go out(ro)
This book aims to be a joyful guide, using inspiring stories, challenging thoughts and many practical tools. From cover to cover or at random: no matter how you dive in, insights are bound to arise.
The authors -Ramon Vullings & Marc Heleven- would like to invite you to this quest called cross–industry innovation, learning from other sectors, not just to think outside the box — but even more importantly — to think outside of your industry. Ramon & Marc hope to inspire and enable you by developing your match sensitivity to make even better connections.
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  • sasha95membuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
    I mean Picasso had a saying:
    good artists copy, great artists steal.
    And we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.
  • sasha95membuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
    Tips for better questions
    Refuse to accept the current reality
    Invite outsiders to ask questions about your work and your industry
    Imagine the perfect situation
    Detect real customer insights by analysing their actual behaviour
    Challenge everything; don’t base yourself on industry assumptions
    Most complaints can be translated into positive questions
    Time-travel and ask yourself questions about your business now
    As children are the R&D department of humanity: perceive with naive (child-like) eyes
  • sasha95membuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
    The trick is to make sure you interview new people—ask them about their observations, what they think is strange or special—before their first 100 days are over, after that people tend to be in full compliance (read: understand the jargon).

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