Only by bravely facing your life as it is can you start creating your life as it will be
Sergeymembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
One of the most powerful motivators for me was the clarity and peace of mind that comes from being better organised
Sergeymembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
When you arise in the morning think what a precious privilege it is to be alive; to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love
Sergeymembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
Our breath connects our bodies with our minds – when we slow down, we think better
Sergeymembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
I had found my calling, or had my calling found me?
Sergeymembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
When shit happens we wake up. Life is short
Vasily Dobrokhotovmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
The first step to improving how you breathe is awareness. Start to become more and more aware of how you breathe and how that changes under different conditions. Don’t just follow this book, follow your own breath – it’s your best teacher
Vasily Dobrokhotovmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
In as little as one minute of focused breathing it’s possible to completely clear the bloodstream of the stress hormone cortisol.’ — Tony Schwartz, Harvard Business Review (2012)
Vasily Dobrokhotovmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
Our bodies are designed to maintain balance
Vasily Dobrokhotovmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
stress, pressure, lack of sleep, an unhealthy diet, too much alcohol, too little rest… you know the score