The worst part was how quietly she wept, as if she’d taught herself how, as if she was so used to doing it that it had just become the way she cried.
kayformbyvickersmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
“His blood was hot enough,”
kayformbyvickersmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
“You killed him? In cold blood?”
kayformbyvickersmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
We love until we do not. For us, love doesn’t fade gradually. It snaps like a branch bent too far.”
kayformbyvickersmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
do not love as you do—once won, our love can be terrifyingly constant.
kayformbyvickersmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
She tried to keep her fingers steady as she typed to Ben without looking at her phone, grateful for a lifetime of texting during class: HELP AMANDA HURT ON GROUSE RD!!! MONSTER!
Heidi Schmidt Hottmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
. “What just happened? Seriously, Hazel. That was insane.”
She shook her head, equally baffled. “I think you impressed him with the sheer force of your stupidity. How did you find me?”
Heidi Schmidt Hottmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
He’d be invited to more dinners than a preacher on a Sunday.”
“He’d be invited to more beds than a preacher on a Sunday