hen you do not understand what a person is saying, do not grasp for every word. Give up your efforts. Become silent inside and listen with your deepest self. When you are puzzled by what you see or hear, do not strive to figure things out. Stand back for a moment and become calm. When a person is calm, complex events appear simple.
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The best work often seems idiotically simple to group members who are unaccustomed to this sort of leadership. Yet a great deal happens.
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Are you doing this work to facilitate growth or to become famous? Which is more important: acquiring more possessions or becoming more conscious? Which works better: getting or letting go?
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Few leaders realize how much how little will do.
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Trying to become rich by accumulating more and more is a full-time career and not free at all.
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In order to lead, the leader learns how to follow. In order to prosper, the leader learns to live simply. In both cases, it is the interaction that is creative.
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The wise leader knows about pairs of opposites and their interactions. The leader knows how to be creative.
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Since all creation is a whole, separateness is an illusion. Like it or not, we are team players. Power comes through cooperation, independence through service, and a greater self through selflessness.
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Study natural processes: the light in the sky, the gravity of earth, the unfolding of your own ideas and insights, the emptiness of space, the fullness of life, and the behavior of saints.
b0135061266membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
When the leader gets too busy, the time has come to return to selfless silence. Selflessness gives one center. Center creates order. When there is order, there is little to do.