The reason they had failed to notice Stuart struggling was that he’d given them no trouble growing up.
shanicebabygirl94membuat kutipan7 hari yang lalu
healthy AP parent is supporting her child to achieve what the child wants. An unhealthy AP parent is pressuring her child to achieve what the parent wants.
shanicebabygirl94membuat kutipan7 hari yang lalu
important thing to keep in mind is that while adolescents crave freedom, it is not healthy for them to get too much of it. Adolescents need a strong parent against whom they can rebel. They learn how to make good decisions and manage their impulses by bumping up against a parent’s rules and consequences.
shanicebabygirl94membuat kutipan7 hari yang lalu
But if there is an absence of such validation of a child’s importance to the parent, if a child is made to feel shame for wanting or needing attention from one parent or the other often enough, she will grow up being blind to many of her own emotional needs.
shanicebabygirl94membuat kutipan7 hari yang lalu
These emotionally neglected people most often know how to give others what they want or need
shanicebabygirl94membuat kutipan7 hari yang lalu
emotionally neglected people see themselves as the problem, rather than seeing their parents as having failed them.
shanicebabygirl94membuat kutipan7 hari yang lalu
We all have examples of how our parents have failed us here and there. No parent is perfect, and no childhood is perfect.
b4814759108membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
Self-Esteem by McKay & Fanning.
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Ayrina 🧸membuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
I can’t tell you how many emotionally neglected adults, when asked if they grew up feeling loved, will answer, “I always knew my parents loved me.” Knowing is not feeling, and feeling is the key here.