Jed McKenna

Spiritual Warfare ET3

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Guns and bombs are children’s toys.
A true war wages, and you’re invited.

IT’S AN INVITATION you may not be able to accept if you want to, or decline if you don’t. It’s an invitation to fight in a war like no other; a war where loss is counted as gain, surrender as victory, and where the enemy you must face, an enemy of unimaginable superiority, is you.

Spiritual Warfare issues a damning and irrefutable indictment of its own audience and genre, putting spirituality and religion themselves on trial. A terrible crime is being committed against humanity, a crime of oppression and subjugation far beyond Orwell’s 1984. We are the victims of this crime, but we are also its perpetrators. Our motive is fear, our sin is ignorance, and the chain in which we enslave ourselves is belief.
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