In Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius, the person is rebellious in nature and gets unprecedented fame and glory shortly be
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
Mostly Saturn in this position brings only grief and death.
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
This person is pure of heart.
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
Jupiter in this position is inauspicious to the progress of the person’s brothers. They cannot progress simultaneously as the person.
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
f it is strong in the Eighth House Saturn grants the person a long life and death is peaceful. If Saturn is malefic, the person gets n
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan9 tahun yang lalu
He meets his death at the hands of a carnivorous animal like the lion.
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan9 tahun yang lalu
This person is fortunate, wealthy, sweet voiced, happy and charitable throughout his life.
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan9 tahun yang lalu
Paashchaatya Math (Western Thought): If Saturn enjoys a good relationship with Libra, Capr
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan9 tahun yang lalu
Those who are in government jobs end up being forced into early retirement. Those who do well at work get no money and end up seeking other part time avenues to make money even for their very survival. The best professions for people who have Jupiter in the Third
Girish Kumarmembuat kutipan9 tahun yang lalu
is teacher, principal or otherwise related to education. T