This anthology of nine horror stories deal with the following themes: witchcraft, barbaric traditions; relationships, envy, mystery and the abuse of religious and social powers. The Concorde — Mowiza (12yrs old) relates his experiences in the witches' world. Equianneh — the Goddess of Catharsis — exposes a witch for all to see. Daughter of Albino — a marginalised maiden forms a pact with a devil with some adverse consequences. The Leeches — A wife's plan to brand her co-wife and her daughter as witches back fares on her. The Jinx — Bonboi's elder brother, a Minister of God, turns out to be the one bewitching her. The Imposter — a 10 yr old girl is conscripted into witchcraft, she's captured and her cult destroyed. She's later released and made to witch no more. The Kondo Ceremony — A young girl exposes her mum as her initiator into witchcraft. Unable to withstand the shame of exposure, the mother commits suicide. The Stone People — An ordinary stone turns out to be a city of witches, and the chiefs, responsible for destroying the stone, turn out to be the witches. The tail — a ghost of a dog returns to his old master's house to avenge its death. Will it succeed?