The first sister, Urd (‘becoming’), spins the yarn of each individual’s fate. The second, Verdandi (‘being’), measures the yarn. The third, Skuld (‘that to come’), cuts the yarn.
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
Dagaz is the Rune of spiritual awakening
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
You have the determination to change whatever you deem necessary. You also may see the world differently and with clarity at this time.
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
This Rune represents personal sacrifice; you have to keep going until you get through to the result that you want. Teiwaz encourages us that this may be the time to stand and fight for what you believe in and know to be right. When we cast this Rune, it reminds us that we will need much courage in facing and dealing with situations that come our way. Our passions will be our driving force to keep us going. Teiwaz represents our inner strength, our ethics and our honour. It gives us the confidence and dedication to see things through to the end.
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
his Rune is connected to our spiritual awakening and consciousness, as the sun’s energy gives us clear vision
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
his Rune reminds us of what successes we have achieved. Health and happiness are also associated with this Rune, as we feel we can resolve our problems with ease.
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
This Rune is connected to ancestry, and your ancestors are a huge part of who, what, where and why you are the way you are today.
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
enotes new beginnings and fresh starts
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
We need to let go of the old ways in order for new ones to take place.
Yadira Hidalgo Gonzálezmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
This Rune indicates a period of rest before beginning new activities.