Why am I creating this? What's my objective? What is my key take on the subject or issue? What's my point of view? And, finally, the critical so what?-because exercise: why does it matter to the people you are trying to reach?
Юлия Горбашковаmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
the more you think about what you want to say, and plan for it, the easier it is to say.
Татьяна Александроваmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
content is not about storytelling, it's about telling a true story well.
Yulia Nazarenkomembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is telling a true story well.
Yulia Nazarenkomembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
Utility × Inspiration × Empathy = Quality Content
Gewmembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
What am I trying to say? What words will express it? What image or idiom will make it clearer? Is this image fresh enough to have an effect?
Gewmembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
great writing isn't written, as much as assembled
Gewmembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
Think before ink
Gewmembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
Place the Most Important Words (and Ideas) at the Beginning of Each Sentence