when you fear something, you run away from it, but when you fear Allah, you run back to Him
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Taqwā is remembering that Allah sees everything so that we are deterred from doing anything that could compromise His love
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
(itqān) means excellent work ethic or due diligence; احْسَان (iḥsān), which I mentioned earlier, is excellence but in the broader sense of always trying to set higher standards for ourselves. Iḥsān refers to motivation, to the drive that we have with regards to Allah; itqān refers to the higher work ethic.
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
everyone has their blessing
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
tawakkul, to trust in Allah. Our trust in Allah shouldn’t make us incapable. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said وَلَا تَعْجَز, “Don’t ever be a person who is helpless”, don’t ever be a person who concedes, who seems to be defeated.
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
we have to be in a place of emotional strength to be able to help someone through their emotional vulnerability, or we have to be in a place of financial strength to be able to remove someone’s debt or to be able to provide for someone who’s having a difficult time providing for themselves.
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
prepare yourselves with strength, show your strength;
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
وَلَا تَعْجَزْ, “don’t ever be helpless” is about picking ourselves up, trying to grow, trying to be in a position of power both as an individual and as a community.
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
This Hadith is talking about strength of īmān, strength of faith, strength of resilience, strength of body and spirit, all different types of strengths
Faizamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
“and don’t ever be helpless and if anything comes to you that is not to your liking then simply say قَدَرُ اللهِ وَمَا شَاءَ فَعَلَ, ‘It’s the decree of Allah and what He has willed has come’ and do not say ‘if’ because it opens the door of the shayāṭīn.”