if your Ladyship will but take Sir Arthur in your Lap, & Sophy my Brother in hers, I beleive we shall do pretty well
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
destroyed the Hothouse in order to build a receptacle for the Turkies
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
I saw you thro' a telescope, & was so struck by your Charms that from that time to this I have not tasted human food.
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
She then proceeded to a Pastry-cook's, where she devoured six ices, refused to pay for them, knocked down the Pastry Cook & walked away
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
Her father was of noble Birth, being the near relation of the Dutchess of ——'s Butler.
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
therefore ordered a whole Egg to be boiled for him and his Servants.
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
I am Sir with every expression of regard for you and yr noble Family, your most obedt &c. &c…
The Author
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
free access to Miss Wentworth…
Jane wth???
artaluboteni1membuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
But Miss Arundel was cruel; and she preferred a Mr. Stanhope; Sir William shot Mr. Stanhope; the lady had then no reason to refuse him; she accepted him, and they were to be married on the 27th of October.