The imagination, it turns out, is a remarkably clever and hardworking creature.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
So invitingly polished, those elevators—so safe, like big metal wombs.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Nothing ever goes my way, I would say to myself, more morose and downtrodden than any Dickensian character had ever been.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
So here I am, where it’s nice and quiet and I have private jokes with my cat. Back in the genuine, real world.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
A dream inside a dream. A dream of a minor—albeit pleasant—incident that never happened. All inside a dream of an entire life that never happened.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
I do not want to wake up from this dream-within-a-dream.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
What I’ve learned, what we’ve both learned over the years, is that nothing is as permanent as it appears at the start.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
We saw a lot of evening customers in those days; people loved to browse our bookstore at night, no doubt hoping to meet a mysterious beauty or handsome stranger among the stacks.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
I read each Narnia novel as it came out, and I’ve read the entire series at least half a dozen times since.
Lukutoukkamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Nonetheless, this is not my typical sort of dream. My nighttime forays tend toward the fantastical, toward dreams that place one outside of conventional time and space. This, I have concluded, is because I read so much.