atelophobia noun the fear of not doing something right or the fear of not being good enough. An extreme anxiety of failure to achieve perfection.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
Word of the year:
monachopsis noun the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. Unable to recognise your intended habitat, never feeling as though you are at home.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
but not everyone wants to be set free.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
Sometimes, the people who do bad things are just bad people. But there is always a reason why a person behaves the way that they do.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
Sometimes, the most innocent-seeming people turn out to be guilty of horrific things.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
I too have often felt abandoned by the world.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
I tried to make friends, and I succeeded for a while, but I was always on the outer solar system of those childhood relationships. Like a smaller, quieter planet, distantly orbiting the brighter, more beautiful and popular ones.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
I changed schools more than once growing up. I was always the new girl and everyone else had already known each other for years. I didn’t fit – I never do
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
, so she grabs them both and uses them to clean the toilet bowl.
Angelica Elaishamembuat kutipan4 hari yang lalu
Nobody knows everything about another person, no matter how long they’ve been together, but if you ever feel like you know too much then something is wrong.