Many believe the incredible waste in our distribution system is the issue.
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[GE] is a relatively simple technology that scientists in most countries, including many developing countries, have perfected. The product of GE technology, a seed, requires no extra maintenance or additional farming skills.
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Sure, there are issues with GE. No one wants to see a few companies in charge of the world’s food supply, so who owns the seed is
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in saline conditions, crops that are nutritionally fortified, that act as medicines, that increase yi
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2000, when the first plant genome was sequenced, it took seven years, $70 million, and five hundred people. The same project today takes about three minutes and costs about $100. This is good news
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The main event was that Bt cotton increased yields by 5
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hen farmers in India adopted Bt cotton in 2002,” writes Stewart Brand in the Whole Earth Discipline:
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Herbicide use is also down, while yield increases are up.
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seeds don’t require plowing, so soil structure remains intact. This halts erosion, improves carb