James Scheibli

Movie Quotes for Special Occasions

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Great Movie Quotes for Life’s Special MomentsIf you enjoyed 1001 Movies You Must See Before You DieWhat If? or Movie Quotes for All Occasions, you'll love Movie Quotes for Special Occasions.
Move Quotes Are Classic: Whether it’s CasablancaCabaretClueless, or The Cable Guy, you probably have favorite flicks you often quote. And it’s true, “We’ll always have Paris.” From A Man Called Horse to Zoolander and everything in between, our beloved films have excellent writing and memorable dialogue; we have talented Hollywood screenwriters to thank for the brilliant one-liners we love. Movie quotes have become an integral part of our culture and expression.
Special Quotes for Special Occasions: The movie quotes that often show up on “best of” lists rarely lend themselves to important moments in life. On how many special occasions can you say “May the Force be with you”? Open up most movie quote lists or books and you’re likely to see “Play it again, Sam,” or “There’s no place like home.” Yet there are so many lines just under the radar that are the stuff of pure poetry and sheer genius. That’s where cinephile and true movie buff James Scheibli comes in! In Movie Quotes for Special Occasions, he has scoured the movies of the world to track down the most fitting and fabulous movie quotes for every special occasion.
Fitting for Any Speech, Toast, or Card: From graduations to birthdays to wedding toasts to golden anniversaries, film scholar James Scheibli provides cinematic quotes that are moving, memorable, inspirational, and deeply meaningful. These quips, quotes, and scene-stealing lines do more than just remind us of the movies they came from. They transcend their stories and enrich your life. Whether from blockbuster megahits or forgotten indies, Movie Quotes for Special Occasions has the right quote for the right occasion.
Movie Quotes for Special Occasions is a great movie lover gift, anniversary gift, or coffee table book for your friends and family to enjoy.
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  • Menna Abu Zahramembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
    I encourage you to celebrate every birthday like a teen counting down the days to their inevitable independence.
  • Menna Abu Zahramembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
    Pangzi: It means movies give us twice what we get from daily life.
    —Pangzi (Pang Chang Yu) & Ting-Ting
    (Kelly Lee), Yi Yi (2000)
  • Menna Abu Zahramembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
    Pangzi: My uncle says we live three times as long since man invented movies.
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