John Richardson

Ponce’s Primer Handbook for Quality Life Maximization: QOL MAX

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In an ideal world, parents and schools teach children about personal responsibility, guide them to adulthood, and help them develop quality life experiences. But we live in a survival-of-the-fittest world where a minority receives such instruction. Even those who receive it often fail to follow essential criteria as they pass through the phases of their life. Ponce’s Primer is written by someone who has watched his close friends battle physical and/or mental issues in what should be their golden years. He goes by the name “Ponce” in recognition of the individuals throughout history, such as Herodotus, Alexander the Great, and Ponce de Leon, who have sought to maximize the quality of their lives. The primer gives you practical guidance on everything from buying insurance to managing investments, maintaining your health, minimizing expenses, and navigating cost-of-living increases.
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