I’ve seen miraculous transformations occur when we change the nature of our thinking from fear and limitation to faith and love.
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The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe. —ALBERT EINSTEIN
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is the only eternal truth, while fear is a hallucination of the mortal mind.
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Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.
Gabo Hernandezmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Through remembering Who lives within us, and dedicating ourselves to His purposes, we achieve miraculous results.
Gabo Hernandezmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
we think we have many different problems, but we really have only one: our separation from God.
Gabo Hernandezmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
The ego, or fear-mind, is the false belief that we are separate from God.
Gabo Hernandezmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
The ego is the mind of fear. It is our own mental power turned against ourselves
Gabo Hernandezmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
God loves us the same when we do the wise thing as when we make mistakes. His love for us is based not on our behavior but on who we are
Gabo Hernandezmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Spiritually healthy people are those who take responsibility for their mistakes, atone for their errors, do what they can to make things right, and allow forgiveness and mercy to wash them clean.