
Kelly Rimmer

  • Олика Громоваmembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
    One of the many, many things that completely baffle me about women is what you’ll put yourselves through for rules that only women care about.
  • Олика Громоваmembuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
    hindsight, knowing Lilah, it was probably a ploy to test my interest level, rather than an actual hesitation.
  • b5934179959membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
    It was absolutely not love at first sight.
  • b5934179959membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
    ‘My eyes are up here,’ she said,
  • b5934179959membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
    And that’s when I fell in love with her—so maybe it was actually love at second sight.
  • b2635973374membuat kutipantahun lalu
    fully animated—gesturing wildly

    Excited and comfortable

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