Kira Blakely

  • chramya2010membuat kutipantahun lalu
    There wasn’t a soul in sight, unless some hapless tourist wandered through the shade in this little oasis and got the show of their lives.
  • chramya2010membuat kutipantahun lalu
    “Yes, fuck,” he grunted.

    My pussy tightened around him, milked him for every drop, and he gave it all.
  • Klara Solimanmembuat kutipan4 bulan yang lalu
    I’d say it’s more than okay, bad and boozy bridesmaid.” T
  • Klara Solimanmembuat kutipan4 bulan yang lalu
    His ocean-blue eyes sparkled beneath the bar’s down light, which also cast a shadow on one side of his face, right in the crook of his nose, which had been broken at some point if the kink in the bridge was anything to go by. Lips, not too full, just right – hmm, just like Goldilocks’ bed – curled back over perfectly white teeth.
    And the jaw line. Oh, man. The guy could’ve chopped down trees with it.
    The suit that clung to his muscular frame was all clean lines, stark black, and accented by a tie
  • Klara Solimanmembuat kutipan4 bulan yang lalu
    What does it matter? I don’t even – look, shouldn’t you be out there, doing your thing?”
  • Juan Rodriguezmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    “Like Harry Potter,” Blair said, and her lips writhed with suppressed mirth.
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