Billi Jean

Well, let's see. I write romance -- mostly paranormal and historical, but I have a few contemporary I'm working on as well. I tend to write series, but slowly. So, if you liked Midnight Star, I have more coming out soon. I also work on single stories, and one of those might be hitting the shelves soon as well. I grew up here, there, and everywhere, from California, to upstate New York to just about everywhere in between. I think the moving around drove me to find my own outlets in life -- reading being one of them, and writing being another. I hope that my work is enjoyable to my readers, and some day I'd love to hear from a fan that they have my book stored all safe and secure on a shelf where they can pet it when they want. :) Or that they pull my book down on a bad day to simply escape for a bit into the worlds I spin. Come join me in my fun on International Heat Writers, or on Noble Romance Authors loop, best, and thank you for reading my profile. billi jean
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