Donna Maria Bottomley

  • tamtrblmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    he story that my brain constructed for this event based on what it knows from my prior experience is a variation of impostor syndrome.
  • tamtrblmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    e cannot alter the fact that our brain makes predictions, but we can start to change why it predicts things in that way, and we can decide how we interpret the effects of that prediction.
  • George Titusmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    Thank you for being so patient over the past year as I stressed about this book! You are my world and I love you very much.

    I would also like to acknowledge the clients I have had the honour of sitting with over the years. You may think I have forgotten you but I have not. I often think of you and wonder how you are.
  • George Titusmembuat kutipantahun lalu
  • George Titusmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    Imagine placing a lemon onto a chopping board and slicing your knife through the bulging yellow belly of the fruit. You cut the lemon in half, and then half again. Then you pick up one of the quarters and bring it to your lips, biting into the sharp flesh and sucking the juice. Pause there. What do you notice in your body right now? Is there a little bit more saliva in your mouth? Did you move your lips slightly, or pucker them? Did your upper body pull back at the thought of biting into the lemon? Notice these small events that are happening in your body right now.

    Where is the lemon? It doesn’t exist: you imagined it; you visualized it. Yet your body reacted as if it were real.

    Your brain just made a ‘simulation’. It represented what you deliberately imagined and what you know about lemons to simulate the experience of biting into that slice of lemon. You may have had other thoughts or memories pop up. For example, I’ve just had a memory of throwing out some bad lemons that were green and powdery. But when I wrote the first draft of this paragraph a tasty memory of the smell and feeling

    Great Piece

  • Angela Elemonmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    If I broke my leg or had the flu I would have no issue seeking medical help. Yet the fact it was a mental issue made me feel I was weak and had failed in some way.
  • Angela Elemonmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    felt so full of anger and sadness that I didn’t know how to release it, but worried if I did that it would pour out of me uncontrollably and I thought I might not be able to stop.
  • Angela Elemonmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    Once I overcame my own hesitations I quickly realized that asking for help was actually a sign of strength and courage, not weakness.
  • Angela Elemonmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    I would say that things likely won’t get better until you get help and give yourself some kindness.
  • Angela Elemonmembuat kutipantahun lalu
    ‘I think therefore I am’, believing that simply talking through our problems and changing our thoughts will find the solution we need.
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