
How Marketing is Changing... with Seth Godin

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Today we’re joined by the one and only Seth Godin to talk about a topic that we live and breath every single day, which is marketing.
Specifically, we’re going to dive into the revolutionary shift that is taking place today when it comes to your marketing, as the internet continues to transform from a tool for spreading a message to a mass audience, into a tool that allows us to reach into incredibly valuable micro communities.
One of my favorite takeaways from this interview was the answer Seth gave when I asked him two important questions…
First, How do you measure the effectiveness of your marketing today?
And second, do you need to make sure that your message is everywhere, at all times, as the fight for attention escalates.
The answers he gave were unexpected, and incredibly insightful, which was really the theme for this entire show.
If you want to know what you need to do as an entrepreneur if you want to win and thrive, in this quickly changing world, this is the interview you’ve been waiting for.
With that being said, I have surprise for you guys today…
Over the past week, I’ve recorded a series of six training videos for you that are designed to walk you through the six stages that you’re going to go through in your journey as an entrepreneur.
We’re going to start at the very beginning and we’re going to dive into the the changes you need to make to your mind and your body, if you’re currently stuck, and if you want to start making radical changes in your life.
Next we’ll dive into the one single thing you must do, if you want to build wealth, become successful, and achieve financial freedom.
You’ll learn how to start your very first business in a way that maximizes your chances for success,
How to generate leads and traffic…
How to invest the money your business makes…
And much, much more.
But the best part, is that all six of these training videos are completely free, and you can go watch them right now at www.SelfMadeMan.com/bootcamp
So please enjoy them, and now let’s welcome, Mr. Seth Godin.
Resources:  Seth.blog This is Marketing AltMBA.com Music: Music by: Rival x Cadmium Song: Willow Tree Licensed under a Creative Commons License
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