Janice Anne Wheeler

The New Girls

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You cannot undo this, one of the surgeons told me, you have to be sure. I was sure. My choices were frightening, grim and daunting. I possess the rare Breast Cancer genetic mutation BRCA2 and I saw it as a death sentence. My choices were drastic, my actions were immediate.   Complete Hysterectomy followed by Prophylactic Double Mastectomy with Reconstruction. I will never be the same. In so many ways. It was, and is, such a journey.
I clearly remember when Angelina Jolie first publicized her preventive mastectomy; it was a shock, almost unthinkable, to remove healthy organs from a healthy body. My perspective on that has certainly changed; I followed in her footsteps! She is brave, a pioneer, but did not tell of her experience.
The New Girls fills that gap, and describes with candor, humor and raw emotion, what it was like to undergo such extensive surgery. It was not easy. The rewards, however, are tremendous! I took my Breast Cancer risk from almost certain to nearly zero.  At first, I wanted my transformation to be a secret, so that people would not know what I have done. When I realized how little awareness there is, the desire to share my experience, to help people, simply grew and grew.  I started this book while in recovery; it’s entitled The New Girls because that is what I call my new breasts, and they are the protagonists;)!
I sincerely hope that my story lets people facing the same or similar decisions know they are not alone. I felt alone, uninformed, without clear information about what to expect, what it would feel like. Please listen to, share and embrace The New Girls.
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