‘Yes, I’m tired,’ she said. ‘And do you know a funny thing? I’m almost fifty years old and I’ve never understood anything in my whole life.’
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
But that was part of the trouble: she lived in memories all the time. No sight or sound or smell in the whole of New York was free of old associations; wherever she walked, and she sometimes walked for hours, she found only the past.
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
For a year she found an exquisite pain – almost pleasure – in facing the world as if she didn’t care. Look at me, she would say to herself in the middle of a trying day. Look at me: I’m surviving; I’m coping; I’m in control of all this.
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
It’s just one of those things you’ll never know. Life is full of things like that.’
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
get it over with somehow, and try to remember that Howard Dunninger was there with her
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
This was going to be awful. The only thing to do was get through it,
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
the poet regrets a time when he stood at a London doorway regretting still another, earlier time.
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
Emily took a drink, finding her keen sense of melancholy enhanced by the way the alcohol seemed to go straight from the roof of her mouth into her veins
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
‘I always talk in circles, and you always talk in a straight line.
anasofiasfmembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
she felt the weight of all the unaccustomed drinking she must have done last night. The sun assaulted her, sending yellow streaks of pain deep into her skull; she could barely see, and her hand shook badly in trying to open the door of a taxicab.