Those 3G phones are a convergence product, which is why we don’t believe they will ever achieve much success
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
We don’t think that 3G phones are going to become a big business
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Mateschitz based his drink on Krating Daeng, a popular health tonic he had encountered in Thailand. All of which proves you don’t have to invent something to get rich and famous. All you have to do is to recognize a potentially good idea, invent a new category and a new brand name, and get them into the mind first
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
By the way, if the Macintosh advertising was so effective, how come the Macintosh brand is not up there with market leaders Dell, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and IBM?)
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Some companies have even taken to running advertisements that look like editorial content. But this subversive tactic is quickly blocked by publishers, who label the page with the dreaded word advertisement.
Yulia Ogorodnikovamembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Advertising has a brilliant future if it accepts its true role in the life cycle of a brand. After being built by PR techniques, a brand needs advertising to maintain its position.
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
goal of traditional advertising is to not to make the product famous. The goal of traditional advertising is to make the advertising famous
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
goal of traditional advertising is to not to make the product famous. The goal of traditional advertising is to make the advertising famous.
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
Instead of creating sales value, traditional advertising attempts to create talk value.
Sergei Naumovmembuat kutipan7 tahun yang lalu
The goal of traditional advertising is to not to make the product famous. The goal of traditional advertising is to make the advertising famous.