I am a series of small victories and large defeats and I am as amazed as any other that I have gotten from there to here without committing murder or being murdered; without having ended up in the madhouse.
Jossmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
and like a claw reaching down into some pit of me,
surrounded by walls like tombs I answer meekly,
Jossmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
“memory is a poor excuse for the present”
Jossmembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
and I am old:
pirate feet have trod
the clean-thatched floors
of my soul,
and the canaries sing no more.
Roberto Garzamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
if only at a funeral service
somebody would say,
“what an odious individual
that one was!”
even at my funeral
let there be a bit of truth,
then the good clean
Roberto Garzamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
or smoke for 6 months, and talk about biting iron with your
teeth, I’ve been drinking and smoking heavily and steadily with the
and the worst of them for over 50 years, yeah
Roberto Garzamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
because spiritual death arrives
much more quickly and unexpectedly than
physical demise.
I drop his new
Roberto Garzamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
if a man lives for 70 years he learns
one or two things—the first being: don’t confide unnecessarily
in your wife.
the second being: others may sometimes
understand you but
none of them will understand you
better than your wife
Roberto Garzamembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
I tried to enter the freeway a
guy in a red Camaro almost ran me
off the road (red automobiles have always
annoyed me) so I swung after him, rode his
bumper hard, then swung around and we rode side-by-side