In sickness and in health?’ she asks. ‘Till death us do part?’
I shake my head. ‘Way beyond that,’ I say. ‘For ever.’
She takes my hands and leans in for a kiss. It hurts. Suddenly everything hurts
♡emma♡membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
The sky is on fire and the night has ended.
♡emma♡membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
Otherwise I’ll fall apart. I’m going to fall apart. I am falling apart
♡emma♡membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
I am a person coming undone.
♡emma♡membuat kutipan2 tahun yang lalu
I grew into it. It grew into me. We blurred at the edges, became an amorphous, seeping, crawling thing.
Victoria Gomembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
At what point do you decide that enough is enough
Andrea Lissetmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
At what point do you decide that enough is enough?
Andrea Lissetmembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
At what point does a fly give up trying to escape through a closed window – do its survival instincts keep it going until it is physically capable of no more, or does it eventually learn after one crash too many that there is no way out?
Natalie Halemembuat kutipan12 tahun yang lalu
You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel. Anon.