Сладкое Королевствоmembuat kutipan5 tahun yang lalu
Thanksgiving is always a good time of fellowship and bonding
Zarina Buyenbayevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
IELTS Tip One way to put emphasis on something in English is by adding do/does/did to affirmative sentences in the present simple and past simple. Doing this expresses a contrast or a strong feeling. - I do like visiting big cities but I also don't mind spending some time in rural areas in the country side. (a contrast) - I do think it is a great idea to learn something of the language of the country you’re going to. (a strong feeling)
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
Is it important for you to be in fashion? Yes, not desperately so, but I do like to be quite fashionable
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
I'm from Japan, Yokohama which is a very very big city, close to Tokyo. I think the population is more than three million. But actually I was born in China, Beijing which is a huge city too. And my family moved to Yokohama when I was three years old. And I've recently applied for the citizenship in Australia because I don't like the huge population and pollution
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
Thank you. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Oh yes, a number of them. I like to umm read a lot, and I also like to play soccer. Um But err, I can say that lately, unfortunately, I don’t much time to do either of them
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
I never actually gave it a thought
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
What do you like about your job? I have to confess, this job is my passion from long time ago
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
because we are witnessing the obesity daily in many countries
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
Try to use a range of adjectives and adverbs to intensify or weaken the word change, e.g. There was a profound change in attitudes. Or Attitudes changed completely. NOT Attitudes had a big change
Assem Zhapishevamembuat kutipan8 tahun yang lalu
38. I am sufficiently qualified e.g. for this position