I need freedom, independence, and a series of creative projects to work on in order to be happy.
sikafuturomembuat kutipan9 tahun yang lalu
Even if you are currently working for someone else, you need to think of yourself as an enterprise.
Эльвина Галимоваmembuat kutipan9 tahun yang lalu
jennycuteamaramembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
Ideaphoria is an important aspect of creativity, but originality, flexibility, and elaboration are important too. The ideaphoria part is often about word association, fantasy, storytelling, and analogies, linking unrelated things.
jennycuteamaramembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
If you are unsure about your top three ideas/projects, do some research on Google and Amazon on those topics. What's already out there? How is your idea different? Does it look like there is a market for this service?
jennycuteamaramembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
When you are ready to grow again, move on to a new mentor and begin the process anew. It will be life-changing!
jennycuteamaramembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
Baeth believes that one of the major reasons that people struggle in their relationships and in their work is because they are not connected to their deepest self.
jennycuteamaramembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
Figure out what solutions will most help your fear to stay in the background, and use them.
jennycuteamaramembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
You need to make peace with these cast-off dreams. What can you learn from your mistakes? Rose learned that she hadn't been ready until recently to write her play. her vision just became vivid enough for her to tell the story, so she was able to release her regrets.
jennycuteamaramembuat kutipan3 tahun yang lalu
To facilitate the new, it helps to clear away the past. Think back to any regrets you have about lost opportunities.