We will take a little journey in Time to the very ancient civilization. The One which existed more than 40000 years ago, before Atlantis, before Lemuria. There was a Mysterious Continent: named Hyperborea. It is our Universal Ancient United Cosmic Platform of Vedic, Sacral Culture!
The Universal Culture, which was spread by the entire Universe by the Great Illuminators of Cosmos, originating from Orion and Sirius Stellar Systems. They were the first Visitors of Gaia (Planet Earth), they came back later to develop Lemuria, after all to establish Atlantis, and later, after the giant catastrophe, which happened 13000 years ago, when Atlantis sank in Atlantic Ocean, They returned to revive the 5th Human Race of Homo Sapience, who we are now, and established a Meta-Galactic Complex of Pyramids in Giza…