It’s incredibly heartening to glance around and see that you’re running alongside people of all shapes and ages, and realise that some are going to be worse than you.
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
There’s a blast of horns, and I’m off, no longer feeling alone but jammed in amongst too many runners, all trying to find their own space.
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
He pauses, and my heart plummets as I steel myself for being dismissed as an embarrassment.
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
Lists are good. They make you feel like you’re in control,
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
Suddenly, they’re the ones everyone takes photos of. Which is understandable, given the sleep-deprived general knackeredness of the parents and the cuteness of the children. I mean, they’re far more photogenic than we are.’
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
I might have gained two pounds since last week, but I still float home feeling as light and breezy as dandelion fluff.
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
The sky is searingly blue, and the park hums with office workers enjoying the sunshine.
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
‘I’ve done it for so long, and things just become habitual, don’t they? And you stop considering if it’s really what you want.’
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
Our house has a talent for swallowing up ordinary things: plasters, Sellotape, working pens.
Cris Lomembuat kutipan4 tahun yang lalu
I have the sex life of a nun without the benefit of being able to drift around a quiet building all day.