learning curve shows, in a graphical way, how the cost price develops with increasing experience, where the experience is expressed by the cumulatively installed PV capacity.
mariazentsovamembuat kutipan6 tahun yang lalu
European Photovoltaic Industry Association EPIA)
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Figure 1.6: The energy mix used for electricity production in (a) the Netherlands [15] and (b) Brazil [16] (Data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS; Statistics Netherlands) and used according to Creative Commons license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/nl).
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As we will see in this book, typical efficiencies of the most commercial solar modules are in the range of 15-20%.
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As mentioned above, energy is never produced but always converted from one form to another.
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These two components, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, are the key components of sustainable energy.