bookmate game

Henry David Thoreau

  • b7102003151membuat kutipantahun lalu
    And if the civ­i­lized man’s pur­suits are no wor­thier than the sav­age’s, if he is em­ployed the greater part of his life in ob­tain­ing gross nec­es­saries and com­forts merely, why should he have a bet­ter dwelling than the for­mer?
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    I should not talk so much about my­self if there were any­body else whom I knew as well.
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    mis­for­tune it is to have in­her­ited farms, houses, barns, cat­tle, and farm­ing tools; for these are more eas­ily ac­quired than got rid of

    I will GLADLY take them off your hands!

  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    How can he re­mem­ber well his ig­no­rance—which his growth re­quires—who has so of­ten to use his knowl­edge?
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    Public opin­ion is a weak tyrant com­pared with our own pri­vate opin­ion. What a man thinks of him­self, that it is which de­ter­mines, or rather in­di­cates, his fate
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    As if you could kill time with­out in­jur­ing eter­nity.
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    Age is no bet­ter, hardly so well, qual­i­fied for an in­struc­tor as youth, for it has not prof­ited so much as it has lost.
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    But man’s ca­pac­i­ties have never been mea­sured; nor are we to judge of what he can do by any prece­dents, so lit­tle has been tried.
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    What­ever have been thy fail­ures hith­erto, “be not af­flicted, my child, for who shall as­sign to thee what thou hast left un­done?”
  • Alinemembuat kutipanbulan lalu
    We might try our lives by a thou­sand sim­ple tests; as, for in­stance, that the same sun which ripens my beans il­lu­mines at once a sys­tem of earths like ours.

    Though we do small, menial tasks (ripen beans) we are not necessarily limited to them and are likely capable of more impressive feats (illumine a system of earths. at once!!!)

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