Gwen Kirkwood

Although I was born on a Yorkshire farm and went to school there I have lived most of my adult life in Scotland, UK. I am a widow now but my husband was a dairy farmer. My son continues farming and my younger daughter has a farm ice cream parlour. They both live near to me so they keep me up to date with life and changing trends and I enjoy my grandchildren’s company.I did not start writing until my elder daughter went to university. I entered a Woman’s Weekly competition and I was fortunate when Lynda O'Byrne, the fiction editor, wrote to tell me she had liked my entry and suggested I finish it and send it to publisher Robert Hale. It was too long for their Rainbow Romance format but I made the changes suggested and it was published under the name Lynn Granger. Three more followed. I shall always be grateful for the early encouragement and patience I received at that time.The purchase of an Amstrad computer for the farm accounts was a boon. It had a word processor - a great improvement on my typing and Tippex. This enabled me to write the four longer sagas in the Fairlyden series which starts around 1850 and follows the generations to the end of the First World War. My husband helped with research of farming history for these, delving into his collection of Scottish Farmer Albums going back to 1900. I wish I had listened to more of the stories from my grandparents.Since winning the RNA Elizabeth Goudge Trophy in 2000 I have written eleven more sagas, all with Scottish settings.I have recently uploaded my early romances under my own name of Gwen Kirkwood, to Amazon and Smashwords as e-books, also the first two of the Fairlyden series are now available as e-books. share a blog with four other writers at http://www.novelpointsofview.blogspot...Occasionally I contribute to the RNA http://www.historicalsaganovels.blogs...

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