This is a Basic Alchemical Meditation compounded from meditative techniques used by alchemists such as Paracelsus, Basil Valintine, and Jakob Boehme. There are three general steps in the full meditation that correspond to the three phases of alchemy. The first phase is the Nigredo (darkening, death, and putrefaction of the ego), which consists of two operations in which one attempts to Disengage Physically and Disengage Mentally from the world. The second phase is the Albedo (whitening and purification) in which one achieves original innocence or Zero-state Consciousness. The third phase is Rubedo (reddening or empowered integration into a new level of being) that is found in continued Meditation in the Pure Light.
Overall, the first two phases represent a progressive resurrection and purification of the light of consciousness to prepare for the transformative, one-pointed “Meditation in the Pure Light” phase. In that phase, alchemists feel they are working with the logoic light to transform reality in not only the inner lab or soul but also in the objective material reality of their “laboratory” or outer world.
Whether you are a novice meditator or experienced, the following instructions should be helpful in achieving Meditation in the Pure Light. But feel free to follow your own path in meditation or customize these steps to fit your regimen. The most important lesson is to grasp is the dual nature of our reality—the spiritual and material realms in which we exist. The bridge between those two realms can only be found in the Pure Light—in what Paracelsus called the “True Imagination.”